OXO knew their Prehistoric brewing techniques!

Just received delivery of Lynn Pearson’s ‘Built to Brew – The history and heritage of the brewery’, published by English Heritage. IN her second chapter she references our experiments. The chapter is headed by an image from a 19th Century Trading Card produced by Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company, the originators of OXO (image on […]
Postscript on the degradation of spent grain
We’ve done just a quick web search for ‘degradation of spent grain’ and encountered this – an extract from a World Intellectual Property Organization site concerning the invention of a process to isolate a protein concentrate and a fibre concentrate from fermentation residue, in particular from fermentation residue that is obtained from an ethanol producing […]
Response to Archaeobotanists letter

In reply to the Irish Archaeobotanical Discussion Groups letter about the article on Fulacht Fiadh and brewing published in Archaeology Ireland, in the first instance we’d like to state our delight in receiving such a stimulating and provoking response and warmly acknowledge the group’s congratulations on our experimental endeavours. It is always a welcome and […]
Archaeology Ireland Letter

Unfortunately Billy took the most recent Archaeology Ireland with the letter regarding the Fulacht Beer theory away to no Internet land – so can’t put it up until tomorrow. But if anyone’s interested we think this Pajero is still for sale (via Moore Marine).
Looking around the interweb to see where the beer fulacht theory has been discussed, and found this, the theory being discussed in the hallowed, um, threads (?) of politics.ie And our sincere apologies if we disappointed the person who did a search for ‘men in lederhosen’ recently and came across our Octoberfest post.
The Irish Times Article by Conor Pope
This is the link to the Irish Times article Conor Pope wrote about The Great Beer Experiment that appeared in August and instigated the huge coverage we received. We just saw Conor last night on a TV ad for a new RTE programme starting on Sunday night – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (thats the programme name by […]