Continuing our series of old posts, ones we feel were good, prescient or elicited some good conversation or debate, this post was first published in January 2008. It was posted in response to a radio piece by self-described ‘neo-luddite’ John Waters and was the first time we touched upon communicating archaeology and the environment. The subject […]
Friday Flora and Fauna

Well bloggers, Sunday is the 1st day of Spring, we’ve done it, survived another Irish winter. Doesn’t seem that long since the 21st of December and the depth of it. So things are stirring, birds are getting noisier in the morning and the daffodil shoots are well on the way in the garden. The grey […]
Friday Flora and Fauna

Well bloggers. Seeing as this is the first post in a new thread, I thought I’d start with the topic of communication. Blogging , obviously, is a form of communication or display. A way of sort of putting yourself out there and waiting to see if you’ll attract some or any attention. Let’s leave the […]
Tayleur Wreck
Originally published in the Bulletin of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology in 2004, we’ve posted below Eoghan’s paper by way of commemorating 154 years since the sinking of the Tayleur in January 1854. Tayleur, a victim of technological innovation On 21 January 1854, the British-built Iron Clipper, Tayleur was wrecked on Lambay Island, 21 […]
Blogging the environment
John Waters’ recent radio comments about blogging and the Internet have been widely commented on in the Irish blogosphere. Twenty Major has the Newstalk interview here. Notwithstanding the fact that Waters’ tirade should be taken with a pinch of salt, and, unconsidered as it is, the interview did give us some food for thought, particularly […]
Ryanair Ad

Booking flights tonight and couldn’t resist linking to Ryanair’s latest ad. Make sure to scroll down to Ireland on the top right! EDIT – Ad has been removed – This is it:
Ale, brewing and fulacht fiadh: Archaeology Ireland

Ale, brewing and fulacht fiadh Billy Quinn and Declan Moore of Moore Environmental and Archaeological Consultants in Galway present a bleary eyed experimental reassessment of the nature and function of fulacht fiadh The majority of Irish field monuments are defined by their names – a standing stone is a standing stone and a ringfort is […]
TARA Controversy
Nick Maxwell has some very good points to make about the Hill of Tara controversy in the most recent issue of Archaeology Ireland (well worth buying, what with the fascinating article about beer and fulachta fiadh – a remarkable new theory from two Galway Archaeologists). One point of view he alludes to is that the […]
EIS's and SEA's – a brief introduction to the process
Ireland is famous for its green image with a clean, unspoilt and natural environment. It’s a landscape that’s changed significantly over the past decade after a period of unprecedented economic and cultural change. Changing lifestyles, population growth, urbanisation, immigration and phenomena such as European Union membership and the Celtic Tiger, have all impacted on the […]