Declan, Billy and Nigel presented at a Seminar on ‘Experimental Archaeology in Northwest Europe: Principles and Potential’ in UCD last week. Our presentation was on the beer experiments and Fulacht Fiadh. Here’s some of Declan’s section of the presentation: Fulachta fiadh are one of the most widespread of Irish field monuments and may number up […]
Christmas Afternoon festivities

No Friday Flora and Fauna this week as we’re off for a quiet, relaxing afternoon off and polite evening meal somewhere in town. FFF will be in hibernation until after the Christmas. Photo owned by wetwebwork (cc)
Moore Group Flickr
We’ve set up a Flickr account for photos of the Eyre Square excavation results (and other material later). To date our collection is very small but we’ll add more over time. You can visit our photostream here and we’ve added a link on the left panel with our homepage links etc.. Oh, and this is […]
Hydrographic Surveys – New Toy

Posted by Eoghan, Moore Marine Here’s some Humpback Whales cavorting in Monterey Bay last week; Recorded while ‘adventurising’ in the US. Found throughout the world Humpbacks (Megaptera novaeangliae) feed mainly on Krill, a type of shrimp-like marine crustacean (from the Norwegian word krill meaning “young fry of fish”) and other small fish. The Humpback is […]
The Common Lizard

Posted by Niall Pictured above is a common lizard (Lacerata vivipara), Irelands only native reptile – one of a number of individuals spotted in the Ballycurren area of Headford by Nigel recently. The common lizard is seldom spotted but considered to be widespread in Ireland. The distribution and requirements of the species are currently being […]
Assemblage II
Gathering stuff from the blogworld/internets on Beer, Archaeology, Environment, Aquaponics and anything else that strikes us as interesting, since last month. We’ll start topically this time with Jim Corr setting out his stall on the Lisbon Treaty on ‘The Last Word’ (via Mulley)…… I still haven’t received my booklet – clearly I’m a victim of […]