There’s been mention recently in the Irish and International media of the controversial process of gas extraction using hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking’ as it’s come to be known. Two companies have been issued onshore petroleum licences in the area of Lough Allen (Tamboran Resources and Langco). Put simply the fracking process involves pumping a mixture […]
Our Resource Centre aims to be an open-source comprehensive tool and source of relevant information to anyone undertaking a range of activities or projects on the Island or off the shore of Ireland. The Centre will address the areas of planning, cultural heritage, coastal and marine issues, the natural environment and biodiversity and related issues. Stage 1 […]
Irelands environmental scorecard

Overall, the OECD’s recent report on Ireland’s environmental performance, part of their Economic Survey of Ireland 2009 which was published yesterday (available online as a pdf here), presents a reasonably positive review of the achievements here over the past few years. Indeed the report highlights the fact that ‘Ireland generally has good air and water […]