Creedon’s Epic East featuring Billy and Declan
And here’s Billy and Declan on an episode of Creedon’s Epic East.
OXO knew their Prehistoric brewing techniques!

Just received delivery of Lynn Pearson’s ‘Built to Brew – The history and heritage of the brewery’, published by English Heritage. IN her second chapter she references our experiments. The chapter is headed by an image from a 19th Century Trading Card produced by Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company, the originators of OXO (image on […]

Declan, Billy and Nigel presented at a Seminar on ‘Experimental Archaeology in Northwest Europe: Principles and Potential’ in UCD last week. Our presentation was on the beer experiments and Fulacht Fiadh. Here’s some of Declan’s section of the presentation: Fulachta fiadh are one of the most widespread of Irish field monuments and may number up […]
Bronze Age Halberd

Occasionally we’ve been adding to our ‘virtual museum’, with brief descriptions of the artefacts we’ve recovered over the years. Generally we’ll only post up the very special finds! One of Billy’s most notable stray finds from last year was retrieved during the course of archaeological testing near the River Corrib. The find was un-associated with […]
More on the Barnhill Roundhouse

Part one of the Roundhouse report here… The round house was basically defined by an inner semi-circular, contiguous footing trench with a single outer ring of postholes. Unfortunately the entire site to the east had been excavatedby machine for the foundation of the reservoir leaving only the western half of the house remaining. The internal […]
New Videos at Vodpod
Two new Vodpod videos added in the panel and here – one of us brewing ‘thousands of years before Guinness’ on TV3 and scenes and photos from the construction of a Mesolithic hunters camp from Headwave. The huts were built for an up-coming documentary and are functional. You can view our videos on both Vodpod […]
Bronze Age Palstave

This is the first artefact in our virtual museum. We’ve also presented a report on the find including a description of the circumstances of it’s finding. We hope people find it interesting! From: Rogers, T., 04. Report on linear and offset testing on the N18 Ennis Bypass, County Clare. Moore Group. As part of the […]
The Irish Times Article by Conor Pope
This is the link to the Irish Times article Conor Pope wrote about The Great Beer Experiment that appeared in August and instigated the huge coverage we received. We just saw Conor last night on a TV ad for a new RTE programme starting on Sunday night – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (thats the programme name by […]
A book review

On occasion we’ll post reviews of books we’ve really enjoyed (or books we want to warn people off) – if only to use the words ‘rambunctious˚’ or ‘roistering˚’ – as is the case today with A.D. 500 by Simon Young. Not normally fans of historical fiction, unless it’s Flashman or Erast Fandorin, we’ve been mightily […]