Four Stone Hearth 61

Happy Kuwait Day, Happy People Power Day and, above all, Happy Feast Day of Blessed Maria Adeodata Pisani (who it has to be said really had a truly miserable life). But before you get your spirituality on, welcome to the desultory confines of the 61st Four Stone Hearth (4SH) Blog Carnival where, as someone once […]
Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival – Call for submissions We’ve had a few great submissions for the next editon of the 4SH Blog Carnival so far, but we’re still looking for more. The Carnival will be up here on Wednesday evening (25th Feb.) so step on up and get your links in to us at […]
Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival

So we’ve stepped up and will be hosting a session of the Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival next month. The Four Stone Hearth is a blog carnival that specializes in anthropology in the widest (American) sense of that word, focussing primarily on four lines of research: archaeology socio-cultural anthropology bio-physical anthropology linguistic anthropology The current […]
Tangled Bank Blog Carnival
The newest (117th edition) Tangled Bank Carnival is up at Neural Gourmet. Taking it’s name from Charles Darwin’s famous metaphor – ‘It is interesting to contemplate a tangled bank, clothed with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes, with various insects flitting about, and with worms crawling through the damp earth, […]
Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival
The Four Stone Hearth blog carnival (a blog carnival that specializes in anthropology in the widest {American} sense of that word – anthropology as the study of humankind, throughout all times and places, focussing primarily on four lines of research) is up over at Greg Ladens blog, here. The second part of our post on […]
Tangled Bank 111
The Tangled Bank blog carnival is up at Denialism today and our post on the 13th century Eyre Square debacle is included, linked to by the following ditty: Galway is a blackguard place, To Cork I give my curse, Tralee is bad enough, But Limerick is worse. Which is worst I cannot tell, They’re everyone […]
The second ‘On the Line’ or as we’ll call it until someone suggests better – Assemblage (it’s got archaeological meaning but no environmental meaning – so it’s not right yet – please help) is below. We’d also like to draw people’s attention to a request from a reader with regards to the Irish Civil War […]
Four Stone Hearth #39
Hominin Dental Anthropology is the host of the most recent Four Stone Hearth (39) Blog Carnival. Great blog (seriously, I love that there’s a well-written blog which specializes in ancient teeth)- go visit.
And finally for today, seen as the blog’s been all busy and stuff, the blog carnival ‘Sceptic’s Circle‘ is up at Archaeoporn, and it’s a humdinger. The post ‘get out of here atheists‘ at pharyngula, in particular, has instigated a lot of stimulating conversation, and is well worth having a look at. An Illinois Democratic […]
Blog Carnival
Declan struck down with mystery vomiting virus – letter response will be posted tomorrow! Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we see our post ‘Civil War in Connaught‘ is part of a brilliantly sewn together blog carnival (Cabinet of Curiosities) over at Archaeoporn. As Walking the Berkshires describes it, it’s; Show and tell for grown ups, […]