Here’s another find from last year – this one was recovered during a site inspection for some work near Doolin, Co. Clare. It was found by Billy, lying in plain view on a sandy bank beside a limestone pavement. It’s a copper alloy pin with a slight bend at the head and another along the […]

Here’s another find – this one’s from 2009 and was recovered during monitoring of excavation works for a park and ride facility at NUI, Galway. Archaeological monitoring at the development site exposed no features of archaeological significance. However the stray find of a Neolithic polished stone axehead recovered from up-cast material from a service trench […]

In light of the Irish Times’ History of Ireland in 100 Objects series, we’re republishing our Ennis Bypass Palstave post. This was the first artefact in our virtual museum and is deep in the bowels of our blog now. So here it is again: We’ve also presented a report on the find including a description […]