Friday Flora and Fauna

Well bloggers. Seeing as this is the first post in a new thread, I thought I’d start with the topic of communication. Blogging , obviously, is a form of communication or display. A way of sort of putting yourself out there and waiting to see if you’ll attract some or any attention. Let’s leave the […]
Friday Flora & Fauna
Announcing ‘Friday Flora and Fauna’… From tomorrow, we’ll be posting a regular, topical flora and fauna column from Moore Group staff. We’ll follow the seasons and report on topical issues to do with the Irish environment and Irish Biodiversity. We’ll try and keep it regular to Fridays, but work pressures might affect the consistency occasionally! […]
Assemblage IV

Gathering stuff from the internets on Beer, Archaeology, the Environment, Aquaponics and anything else that strikes us as interesting, since May. On Charles Krauthammer and drilling oil in the Arctic, U2’s planning permission, binge drinking and the nanny state, the origins of Heather Ale, and God, hate crime and the desecration of the host. Sometimes […]
Assemblage III
Gathering stuff from the blogworld/internets on Beer, Archaeology, the Environment, Aquaponics and anything else that strikes us as interesting, since May. Julians suggestion that the EU offer us Ice Cream in order to ensure we (the Irish people, that is) back EU reform has been backed up by the chief foreign affairs columnist of the […]
Assemblage II
Gathering stuff from the blogworld/internets on Beer, Archaeology, Environment, Aquaponics and anything else that strikes us as interesting, since last month. We’ll start topically this time with Jim Corr setting out his stall on the Lisbon Treaty on ‘The Last Word’ (via Mulley)…… I still haven’t received my booklet – clearly I’m a victim of […]
On the line
This post is the first of what we’ll call ‘On the line’ (until someone comes up with a better idea – suggestions welcome). Like Mulley’s Fluffy links or sort of our own in-house blog carnival, it will comprise of links to blog pots or websites which strike the author as interesting, entertaining or just plain […]
Blogging the environment
John Waters’ recent radio comments about blogging and the Internet have been widely commented on in the Irish blogosphere. Twenty Major has the Newstalk interview here. Notwithstanding the fact that Waters’ tirade should be taken with a pinch of salt, and, unconsidered as it is, the interview did give us some food for thought, particularly […]
Intervals and Invaders – Zebra Mussels in the Corrib
According to Wiki – Interval = certain subset of an ordered set. There has been a certain subset of an ordered set on the Moore Group blog. It’s been very busy and due to a number of conflicting events we were unable to attend the Great Irish Beer Festival and so can’t comment on it’s […]
TARA Controversy
Nick Maxwell has some very good points to make about the Hill of Tara controversy in the most recent issue of Archaeology Ireland (well worth buying, what with the fascinating article about beer and fulachta fiadh – a remarkable new theory from two Galway Archaeologists). One point of view he alludes to is that the […]