
New Year Mail

New Year, and Internet Register Ireland (a trading name of DAD Deutscher Adressdienst GmbH) have written to us to offer us the opportunity to update our entry on their website.  The letter, very officious in tone and printed on nice recycled paper also included a free business reply envelope.

This is not the first time we’ve received this letter and, needless to say we haven’t ever responded – because in the small print on their order form it appears that you agree to pay them  €958 for a listing on their “directory”.

We decided to send back the pre-paid envelope though…

BLTP Films

And while we’re at the Christmas thing, here’s the latest Christmas film from the BLTP family:

And for more BLTP Productions see this link –

Nollaig shona agus athbhliann faoi mhaise daoibh.

Moore Group and Moore Marine would like to wish all our readers, clients and friends a very Happy Christmas and a successful 2009. As with previous years we won’t be issuing Christmas cards to our clients, sub-consultants and suppliers. This year we are donating to Galway Educate Together National SchoolPositive Mental Health and The RNLI.

Chris’ Little Drummer Boy film is below for your Christmas viewing.

Our office will be closed from Christmas Eve until the 4th of January.

50,000 pageviews

As a result of the recent flooding, we’ve had little time to update the blog. Declan has been made homeless, while Billy was also forced to cope with a severe flood in his home. While we were able to recover all our things, it still made for a stressful couple of weeks, with Moore Marine’s kit coming in handy. We had to use a small inflatable and dry suits to get in and out in order to recover most of Declan’s family things.

Meanwhile we note from the WordPress blog counter thing that the blog has just rolled over 50,000 page views.

So like we saw Shawn do recently here’s some metadata:

First: Top Seven Posts:


Degrading the dead? 2,925

Aquaponics 2,825

Civil War in Connaught 2,670

Irelands Great Drug Epidemic 2,494

Archaeology Ireland Letter 1,954

Ale, brewing and fulacht fiadh: Archaeology Ireland   1,892

Early Christian Settlement at Corofin 1,386

We’ve noticed a big increase in readers searching for aquaponics over the past couple of months, perhaps reflecting the general economic situation and the increasing interest in self sufficiency and growing your own food. And beer and drugs seem to be popular subjects for some reason.

And here are the Top Ten Referrers:

WordPress Dashboard………

Most of our readers appear to come from our websites or from Eachtra’s site…

So we just wanted to say “thank you” to all those who read the blog and for the positive feedback.  It’s been quite an investment of time and energy, but we hope you have gotten some good use and informative reading from it.

Here’s a wordle of our recent postings:

Naked drunken fat ladies?

Here’s a slide from tonights presentation to the GMIT Heritage Society. We’ll be presenting a talk on the beer experiment and Fulachta Fiadh at 7pm tonight in Rm. 940. We’ve been busy reading Pat McGovern’s ‘Uncorking the past’ which is where we encountered the Laussel Venus pictured here. Pat posits a paleolithic origin to alcohol making and consumption and points to the Laussel Venus as a particularly provocative cliff carving which may depict drinking. She is depicted with one hand on her pregnant (?) belly and holds aloft an object that looks suspiciously like a drinking horn. Other interpreters have suggested the object is a musical instrument or a lunar symbol.