
OXO knew their Prehistoric brewing techniques!

Just received delivery of Lynn Pearson’s ‘Built to Brew – The history and heritage of the brewery’, published by English Heritage.

IN her second chapter she references our experiments. The chapter is headed by an image from a 19th Century Trading Card produced by Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company, the originators of OXO (image on bottom left of illustration below – the screenshot was scraped from a trading card collector website so apologies, the quality is not great). The wise marketeers at Liebig’s portray the earliest brewers using hot rocks to prepare their mash. Their brew site is near a stream. Their large pot is dug into a pit in the ground. All sounds very familiar….

There you go – even Oxo agree with us (and came up with the hot rock mashing theory far earlier)!

OXO trade card

Our ‘Day of Archaeology’

Being Irish, I find it very difficult to be optimistic and positive. I laugh at the motivational speakers, haven’t drank the Kool Aid of positive thinking and have always been a deep cynic. Pessimism seems to be our natural state as a people. Despite a slight economic upturn which appears to be reflected in the amount of archaeological work that’s out there, there’s a deep rooted cynicism within us which leads us to expect the worst.

But we did survive the famine, didn’t we (well, some of us did), and it’ll never be that bad again, surely?

This year Moore Group has been busier than any time in the past six years and we’re all feeling much more positive about the future. Maybe it’s just the fine weather which is infecting us with hope. Maybe it’ll all go wrong again tomorrow. Whatever happens, we woke up this morning feeling positive, with two gigs involving actual archaeology – so here’s our happy, happy, fun day of archaeology in tweets and video with some small explication.

Read the rest on the Day of Archaeology website here:

Day of Archaeology 2014


Have you ever wondered what archaeologists really get up to? Is it all just digging or is there a lot more to it? The Day of Archaeology project aims to provide a window into the daily lives of archaeologists from all over the world. The project asks people working, studying or volunteering in the archaeological world to participate with us in a “Day of Archaeology” each year in the summer by recording their day and sharing it through text, images or video on this website. The resulting Day of Archaeology project demonstrates the wide variety of work our profession undertakes day-to-day across the globe, and helps to raise public awareness of the relevance and importance of archaeology to the modern world.

For more see the website.


We’ve reached the semi-finals of the Online Marketing in Galway Awards… specifically for the Online Marketing Leadership Award and best blog. The finalists will be announced on April 14th and the Winners for each category will be announced at the Awards Show itself on Tuesday 22nd April, 2014.

OMiG Awards Semifinalist Badge





AND A FINAL UPDATE 2nd April: National Geographic Channel Pulls ‘Nazi War Diggers’ Series.

UPDATE 31st March: Over the weekend both the New York Times and the Daily Mail have published pieces about this issue.

National Geographic Channel have outdone themselves with this clip from what looks to be an appalling ‘Archaeology’ of WW2 show called ‘Nazi War Diggers’ (Update – Clip seems to have been removed, No.. Back again, slightly edited…). The name alone raises alarm bells. The ‘talent’ who are charged to race ‘against time to save this history from being looted or lost’ are listed on the website as a metal detectorist, a World War 2 enthusiast and a ‘leading militaria and antique dealer’.

It’s caused quite a bit of concern in the archaeological community on Twitter and Facebook. The clip shows a femur roughly tugged from the ground and mistaken for a humerus. But it’s Okay – these tough digger guys shed some tears and get a little emotional about the War Dead.

Paul Barford has more on the Stars here.

Here’s Deathsplainings response..

Conflict Antiquities poses a number of questions to the producers here (and has received some sort of response) – update – National Geographic Channel are preparing a Q & A.

The initial defence of the programme has come on twitter from one of the presenters – Kris Rodgers who says (Update: Kris says he’s received threats, hatred and spite – Paul Barford elaborates.. Criticism of the clip is perfectly reasonable but threats, not nice – As Paul says ‘If people, archaeologists in particular, really have been doing this, then let’s name and shame them together’...) :

So that s alright then.. It’s TV right? There’s a comment facility on the clip page and Colleen Morgan has posted some contact details for anyone who wants to express their concern. There are some more twitter responses embedded below..