By now, almost everyone has heard of Twitter, the ‘micro-blogging’ social network. For anyone who hasn’t, its a tool which facilitates short posts commenting on what you are doing right now, announcing events or happenings etc.. Users post maximum 140 character updates (or “tweets”) to the site which can be read by their ‘followers’, and you can follow and read other people’s tweets. George Hook seems to be loving it. It’s a fairly immediate form of communication, with followers frequently enabled to view updates within a short time of publication using various devices.
I’ve set up a Moore Group Twitter account which can be viewed here..
Initially, while we find our way around the thing, we’ll use twitter to simply augment our blog. Once I can figure out how to tweet blog posts automatically, I’ll do so. If someone can tell us how to do that on, it’d be greatly appreciated. For the time being I’ll do it manually. As well as links to blog posts, we’ll also post news of any events of interest, websites of interest and other announcements. And maybe, post those banal bits of info which seem to be prevalent throughout the twitter system.
Edit 22 Feb: Alun kindly tweeted with instructions on how to auto-tweet blog entries – pretty easy really – go to twitterfeed and follow their simple instructions and away we go.
You may have noticed that we’ve decided to adopt the new wordpress theme – Vigilance by Jestro. I like the three column, magazine style presentation and the option to have an additional single column.
This entry was posted on Sunday, February 22nd, 2009 at 9:00 pm. It is filed under Uncategorized and tagged with archaeological consultants, social networking, twitter. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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I just haven’t found much of a use for twitter yet. It’s pretty good for conferences and I tried to get WAC to set a feed up but the international cell phone charges was an issue. Maybe there will be an SAA twitter–I’ve talked to Meg about it, but I’m not sure it will happen.
Regardless, I’m looking forward to your tweets. 🙂
I’m not sure that we’ll be using it for much other than sending post updates and announcing events for the foreseeable future. We’ll see how it goes.